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News & Events — Revive

Revive Microbial Probiotics: Stimulate appetites in sick or stressed cows!

New Product Probiotics Revive Revive Extra Bolus Revive Microbials Revive Neo Formula

Following an outstanding response to this line of products from veterinarians and producers in Canada, Partnar Animal Health launches distribution in the US. Revive Microbial Probiotics are designed to introduce billions of desirable bacteria into the rumen – out-competing and replacing less productive or harmful strains commonly found in the gut. This improves fiber digestion and enhances vitamin B12 production (which is a natural appetite stimulant) ultimately getting sick or stressed cows to eat again!  Revive Extra Boluses are formulated for individual cattle. Use as an appetite stimulant in animals that are sick or off-feed, following surgery or as a...

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